Moosic Links


Links from scientic to fun - those where you can find a specific info you were searching for all the time or those to earn a smile. Unbelievable how much such a muzzle inspires people ....

Welcome surfing ...


Sites dedicated to the moose - information and photography Moose photography at it's finest ... Rick Libbey is the US mooseman and much more a moose photographer than I can ever be ... Eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Informationen zum Thema Elch - Wissen pur - Genial!

Moose Mountain RnR Wildlife Rehabilitation Facebook

Not entirely dedicated to moose, but for good purpose and definitely worth a visit for everyone with a heart for animals Mark Picard Wildlife photography - excellent images, and many excpetional moose photos!


Videos on and about moose

VCU Insight Professor Moose Video - Walter S.Griggs on YouTube

Update: Walter left us in June 2019 - a big loss both personally as well as for his family, students and the world of moose. May we always think of him when listening to the moose!

Walter S.Griggs, a friend and moose soulmate (although we have never met personally yet), was teaching history and honors courses, business law and served as associate dean at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Business in Richmond, Virginia. Impressive enough. But his heart was beating for our common friends - the moose. You find references to his books about moose in the moose books section.
And he definitely had more moose trivia than me, better stories, closer distance to wild moose and an essential larger auditorium to bring moose and people closer together - his students.
If you want to find out more about this outstanding man, check out this video


Fun sites

NEW !!! Finntastic

Finntastic - Die finnomenale Website

Spaß und Informationen mit und über Elche findet ihr auf der genialen und unterhaltsamen Webseite "".
Einige elchige Links dazu findet ihr auf der linken Seite.
Ein Besuch der restlichen Schätze ist aber auch sehr empfehlenswert - vor allen natürlich für Finnland Freunde


Moose parks, locations and tours Moosegarden is a private "moosefarm" of a Swede starting some years ago to take care of moosish accident victims and orphans. In the meantime it became a job for him welcoming tourists and offering moosemilk and paper made from moose droppings - Worthwhile a visit !! Smålandet Markaryds Älsafari - a fully recommended safari type moose park - you just follow the road with your car and you can be sure to see moose. The farms offers a marvellous cafe - try the waffles ... Another moose park approved by Mr.Mooseman - the walk-through variant with the possibility to feed moose - browse will be handed over at the entrance (the website at the time I write this was slightly messed up, the moose are not :-)


Sites using the moose - logos and more

www.mooseys.iomooseys mooseys - Smileys Moosefied - the must for Smartphone users to forget boring emoticons and progress to mooseys.
Moosetrademarks - a private collection of worldwide moose logos - worth a look
Moosestamps of the world - from the same friend of moose ... The "Purple Moose brewery" - a Welsh beer company from a friend of the moose - excellent drawings (after visiting Wales first time in 2016 I had the chance to taste the beer - it's really tasty !!)