Picture of the month - September 2021

Nr.Lyngvig Aquarelle

Nr.Lyngvig Aquarelle

I just came back from a long-awaited vacation in my second home country Denmark.

As you have seen in other pictures of the month or areas of this web, lighthouses are one my favorites. And there is one special for me - Nr.Lyngvig Fyr on the Danish West coast of Jutland.

But this image is special and a question suggests itself: Is this photography?

I can't tell more than that I like it personally - a Photoshop alteration of an original bae image taking by a digital photographic process.

It is an artistic expression I never would have achieved on the conventional way by brush, being a personal failure in any kind of painting or drawing by hand.

It might create controverse feelings - If you are a hardliner you will refuse to accept this as photography any more. Or you might be more open to anything regarding postprocessing and artistic alterations.

I definitely decided that I like the aquerelle kind of style and will continue the series of Danish lighthouses this way. There will be "normal" images as well - promised.





Nr.Lyngvig Aquarelle

Is this photography? Decide yourself - and just do it if you like it,

your Mr.Mooseman